Who Can Get Vaccinated Now in Texas
NOTE: There may be differences by county. Please look at available county information for the latest information where you live. Vaccination available is dependent on supply.
Phase 1A
Healthcare workers
Long-term care residents
Phase 1B
Individuals 65 and older
Individuals 16 and older with a health condition (e.g. cancer, CKD, COPD, Down Syndrome, heart conditions, organ transplantation, obesity, pregnancy, sickle cell disease, type 2 diabetes)
Vaccination information by County
Harris County
Official County Vaccine Website
Last updated: February 26, 2021
Current groups eligible to be vaccinated
Health Care Workers, Long-Term Care Facilities, County Residents 65+, Individuals 16+ with at least one chronic condition (including pregnancy)
Notification system to sign-up to be alerted when your are eligible for a vaccine: N/A
How to make an appointment for a vaccine:
See the full list of Harris County vaccine locations with information on how to sign up for a vaccine.
1. Harris County Public Health
To sign up, visit https://vacstrac.hctx.net/landing or call (832) 927-8787
2. Houston Health Department
To sign up, visit https://houstonemergency.org/covid-19-vaccines/ or call (832) 393-4220
Local non-profits or community groups who can assist with securing appointments:
Hope Clinic in Houston's Chinatown, can help with appointments
Vietnamese American Medical Association Houston (VAMA) is getting small batches of vaccines
Boat People SOS Houston (BPSOSH)
Current groups eligible to be vaccinated
Health care workers, long-term care facilities, emergency workers, home health care workers, pharmacy staff, funeral workers, individuals aged 65 years and older, individuals aged 16 years and older with at least 1 chronic medical condition
Notification system to sign-up to be alerted when your are eligible for a vaccine: N/A
How to make an appointment for a vaccine:
See the full list of Dallas County vaccine locations with information on how to sign up for a vaccine.
1. Baylor University Medical Center
To sign up, visit www.bswhealth.com/covidvaccine or call (844) 279-8222
2. Dallas County Health and Human Services
To sign up, visit https://www.dallascounty.org/covid-19/covid-19-vaccination.php or call (469) 749-9900
Local non-profits or community groups who can assist with securing appointments:
Coming soon
Current groups eligible to be vaccinated
Hospitalized people, long-term care facilities, emergency workers, home health workers, pharmacies, school nurses, individuals aged 65 years and older, individuals aged 16 years and older with at least 1 chronic medical condition (including pregnancy
Notification system to sign-up to be alerted when your are eligible for a vaccine: N/A
How to make an appointment for a vaccine:
See the full list of Tarrant County vaccine locations with information on how to sign up for a vaccine.
1. Arlington Fire Department
To sign up, visit www.tarrantcounty.com/COVIDshot or call (817) 248-6299 (Option 7)
2. Tarrant County Public Health District
To sign up, visit www.tarrantcounty.com/COVIDshot or call (817) 248-6299 (Option 7)
Local non-profits or community groups who can assist with securing appointments:
Coming soon